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Experience Snowshoeing At Williams Lake – Taos, NM

We were celebrating our Christmas 2018 Holidays in Taos, NM and we decided to embark on our first snowshoeing experience at – Williams Lake Trail. Exploring the Williams Lake Trail takes you on a journey through woods to an eye-pleasing view of the lake surrounded by the tallest peak in New Mexico – Wheeler Ridge. Williams Lake is located at an elevation of 11,040 ft, while trailhead is at 10,180 ft. Do not let the elevation intimidate you, the views at the top are well worth the effort.

Panaromic view of frozen Williams Lake with Wheeler Peak in the background

From the trailhead, follow signs for the Williams Lake trail as seen above. Please follow these signposts and barriers, since, in August 2018, a new private neighborhood is being built where the historic public access route for the trail crosses private land. So the initial ~0.5 mile of the trail is on private land. You will pass by the Bavarian Lodge located at the bottom of Ski Lift 4. Cross the Ski Lift and keep walking east towards the next trail signboard. Following the trail markings, you will re-enter the Public Lands of Wheeler Peak Wilderness – Carson National Forest.

Throughout the trail, we were surrounded by the tall Engelmann Spruce trees. The trail steadily keeps climbing up as you pass by rock piles. We were just awestruck looking at the snow-capped peaks of the Sangre de Cristo mountain range. We took time, to hydrate ourselves at regular intervals since you climb almost ~1000 ft in elevation as you hike up to the Williams Lake (11040 ft) in less than 2 miles.  

Almost halfway through the hikes, you will start noticing a blue paint marking on the Spruce Trees. Keep following the marker, so that you don’t wander away from the trail path surrounded with 2- 3 feet of snow. The trail wasn’t heavily trafficked so it was a very tranquil and pleasant hike for us.

Once you hike up ~1.8 miles, you will come across a junction to continue on Williams Lake trail or take the Wheeler Peak Trail. We stayed on the Williams Lake Trail. After a walking 0.2 miles, you will come across the open meadowland, surrounded by the tall towering mountain ranges. Once we cleared the tree line, it got very windy and chilly. Amidst the bitter cold, right in the middle was the Williams Lake completely frozen, mesmerizing in every way possible. The views and the vistas were so beautiful, that even now as we are writing about it, we are thrilled to bits.

We spent some time stretching on the nearby rocks, refueling ourselves, before heading back to the trail path towards the trailhead. Snowy landscapes are often magical, but experiencing a white Christmas is a surreal feeling. Snow flurries accompanied us throughout our hike and it was the most awarding and blissful experience.

Mesmerizing Williams Lake during Winter

We had an amazing time during this hike looking at the snow-capped mountains all around us and the breathtaking frozen Williams lake. Next time, whenever y’all get a chance to visit Taos Ski Valley area, do take a hike of Williams trail and we are sure the serene and pleasing lake will bring a smile on your face. One day we hope to return and camp overnight in the nearby campsites along the tree line on the east side of the lake.