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The Ultimate Guide To Yellowstone National Park

Hi everyone! As our first post, we wanted to make sure we write about a place which is very close to our hearts. Yellowstone National Park was the first national park we visited together. It also played a big part in bringing us closer to nature, making us outdoor enthusiasts that we are today!

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Did You Know?

  • Yellowstone National Park is the world’s first national park established on March 1, 1872.

  • Major part of the Park is located in northwestern Wyoming and is over 2 million acres in size.

  • There are approximately 10,000 geothermal features inside the park, with some 300 Geysers.

Ready to plan your trip - Check out these details!

Day 1

Entering the park from West entrance, we immediately felt transported to a completely different serene world. The Madison River flows alongside the road, encompassing the vast lush green trees around it. There are quite a few turnouts as you drive towards Madison Information Center. We highly recommend stopping at some of them to enjoy great views of the Madison River and you never know who’s waiting to welcome you!

Dark clouds over Colter Bay Marina

View from Oxbow Bend turn-out

Dark cloud cover over the Teton Range

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Grand Prismatic Spring Overview Trail

The views of Grand Prismatic Spring from the boardwalk is obscured due to its sheer size. So, we recommend everyone to hike Grand Prismatic Spring Overview trail. The hike is 1.2 miles out and back. We parked at the Fairy Falls parking lot which is 1 mile south of Midway Geyser. The views of the Grand Prismatic Spring from the overlook point is totally breathtaking. We will let the below picture to speak for itself!

Mesmerizing and dramatic views of the spring atop a hill

Spectacular Carter Falls Mt Rainier National Park

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Upper Geyser Basin

Home to the most visited and one of the best attraction of the park – Old Faithful Geyser.

As part of the Upper Geyser Basin tour, the first thing we did was to grab some good seats to view the Old Faithful Geyser eruption. We had to wait roughly 30 minutes to view the Old Faithful Geyser Eruption, but it was worth the wait.

Old Faithful Geyser in action

We spent some time inside the Old Faithful Education Visitor Center, learning about the different facets of the Park. After gathering some information from the visitor center, we decided to walk the Continental Divide Trail and catch the Grand Geyser, Castle Geyser and Grotto Geysers in action before calling it a day.

Grand Geyser in action

Day 2

As early birds, we started our Day 2 at the break of the dawn. To get a bird’s-eye view of the Old Faithful geyser’s massive steam engine, we began with a hike of “Observation Point Trail”.

Christine Falls Mt Rainier National Park

On our way back we walked around the Upper Geyser Hill Trail catching more geysers in action like Vault Geyser, Depression Geyser, Plume Geyser before heading back towards Old Faithful viewing area via Upper Geyser Basin Trail.

Hayden Valley

Hayden Valley has beautiful grassland landscapes all around with some amazing wildlife to enjoy. At the south end of the Hayden Valley we made quick stops to view:

Hayden Valley grasslands with distant view of Geysers

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Tower Roosevelt Area

The first point where we stopped was Washburn Hot Springs Overlook. From there as we were driving towards Tower falls, we made frequent stops to check out the Antelope Creek Valley which is the prime grizzly bear country. Though we were not able to spot any grizzly bears, we saw some more elks, bison and pronghorns grazing in the grasslands. We made a quick stop to check the Tower Fall.

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Lamar Valley

This area is considered as the “Paradise for Wildlife Viewing” in the park. We spent some of our best times in the park at Lamar Valley. As we entered into Lamar Valley, we immediately came across the largest herd of Bisons and Pronghorns on both sides of the road in the vast green and yellow fields. We took our time to capture these majestic mammals in their natural habitats. Noticing people with huge telescopic lenses and scouting something far in the valley, we pulled over and to our surprise, we were able to catch a glimpse of a pack of five black wolves with our binoculars.

Majestic Bisons in Lamar Valley

As we drove towards Lake Village area, the sun was setting in the background painting the sky with beautiful colors near Hayden Valley. After an appetizing meal at the Lake Village area, we called it a day and took all the amazing moments especially gorgeous Lamar Valley with us to good night sleep.

Day 3

West Thumb Geyser Basin

Our Day started with the self-guiding boardwalk tour of the West Thumb Geyser Basin area. In the midst of the calm waters of the Yellowstone Lake, it was really fascinating to find geysers and springs bubbling around us. From this spot, one can experience the sheer size of Yellowstone Lake. We were also lucky to see some more elks in this area.

Striking, charming and pretty Yellowstone Lake Area

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Mammoth Hot Springs

Located in the northwest part of the National Park, this area is home to more glacial hot springs in the Upper and Lower Terrace Area. The Upper Terrace Area is two miles from the Albright Visitor Center. We did an auto tour of the Upper Terrace Area with few stops along the way at White Elephant Back Springs & Terrace, Angel Terrace, and Bath Lake. Following which we did a boardwalk of the Lower Terrace Areas. This terrace area consists of a lot of Springs like Canary Spring, Cupid Spring, but the main highlight for us was Cleopatra Spring & Terrace and Minerva Spring & Terrace.

Day 4

We woke up to a chilled morning, due to heavy downpour throughout the previous night. With the sudden weather change, we noticed deepened hues, boldness to the scenes and refreshing landscape of the park.

When the rain gods eventually stopped, we continued on our exploration towards the south end of the park.

Lewis Falls

The Lewis Falls can be seen right from the side of the road almost halfway between the south entrance to the park and Grant Village. We stopped for some time admiring the gushing water flow of the falls which drops ~30 feet and the breathtaking scenery captivated us instantly. 

Moose Falls & Snake River

We stopped at the turn-out right before the South Entrance of the park to look at the Moose Falls. Driving further we halted at the viewpoint for Snake River. Snake River is one of the largest tributaries of the Columbia River and it is 1078 miles long.

High peaks of Grand Teton National Park greeted us, as we exited the south entrance of the park. An adventure at Yellowstone can be augmented by adding two more days to your trip and experiencing, the Grand Teton National Park.

Stay Tuned for our next blog post, recounting our adventures at Grand Teton National Park!

Thank y’all for taking time out to read our first blog post. We hope this post makes you excited to take a trip to the World’s First National Park!

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